What is Child Development Resources (CDR)?Established in 1965, Child Development Resources (CDR) serves more than 1,200 children and their families each year.
CDR is a comprehensive resource for physicians, teachers, and parents — in fact, for anyone who has a question about an infant or toddler — in Williamsburg, James City County, York County, and Poquoson.
The future of America lies in the children of today. By providing early intervention services and making affordable, high-quality early care and education a priority, we are helping to ensure that the children of today grow up to be productive citizens of tomorrow.
We Train Professionals
For more than 25 years, CDR has provided state-of-the-art training and technical assistance to child development professionals throughout the country and across the globe. CDR’s skilled consultants work with each program to identify and meet its individual needs and to help its caregivers address the most pressing issues in the field today. More than 12,000 early care providers, early intervention personnel, health professionals, and families have increased their knowledge and skills thanks to training programs developed and led by CDR. The training is offered by CDR’s Center for Professional Development on a fee-for-service basis and by funded projects at no cost to participants.
For more information, please call

Our Purpose
Child Development Resources, Inc. (CDR) is a 501 (c)(3) public charity that strives to inspire and empower children, families, and early childhood professionals to reach their full potential, whatever their challenges.
Who We Serve
Child Development Resources serves families with infants and toddlers from birth to age three in Williamsburg, James City County, York County, and Poquoson, Virginia. Early intervention is absolutely critical, so CDR serves children who:
- have disabilities or delays in their development
- are at risk because of very low family income
- have other risk factors such as premature birth, teen parents, or parental substance abuse
- need high-quality child care and development services
CDR is an invaluable resource for all parents who have questions or concerns about their infant or toddler. One call to 757.566.TOTS (757.566.8687) opens the door to a whole range of services provided by CDR, as well as referrals to other community organizations.
CDR also provides services to expectant parents, teen parents, fathers, child-care providers, and other early childhood professionals.
If you would like more information or have a question, please submit the Contact Form and one of CDR’s staff members will be in touch.
Stay In Touch
Child Development Resources
150 Point O’Woods Road, Williamsburg, VA 23188
Mail Address: P.O. Box 280, Norge, VA 23127
Training Department/Center for Professional Development
210 Packets Court, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.378.3177
Early Learning Center
Griffin-Yeates Learning Center
1490 Government Road, Williamsburg, VA 23185
p: 757.220.1168
Child Development Resources EIN 54-0791991
Form 990 >
Questions or concerns about your child?
Call CDR’s TOTS line at 757.566.TOTS.
¿Tiene preguntas acerca de su bebé o niño?
llame al 757.566.3300.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
p: 757.566.3300
f: 757.566.8977
e: info@cdr.org
Current Openings